
Ergoterapeutene krever våpenhvile i Gaza nå!

Ergoterapeutene krever våpenhvile i Gaza nå. Bombing av sykehus, helsepersonell, flyktningeleirer og sivile er helt uakseptabelt.

Forrige uke uttrykte Ergoterapeutene et enstemmig krav om at sivilbefolkning må beskyttes i enhver konflikt verden rundt.

Støtte til sivilbefolkning i krigsområder

Utviklingen på Gaza, i dagene som har gått, har ikke vært positiv, og forbundsstyret har denne uken vært klar i sitt krav om en humanitær våpenhvile i Gaza.

Engelsk versjon av landsmøtets uttalelse: Support to civilian populations in war zones

Støtte til våre palestinske kollegaer

Forbundsleder Tove Holst Skyer har uttrykt støtte til våre palestinske kollegaer, gjennom en henvendelse til leder i det palestinske forbundet for ergoterapeuter.

Please accept our condolences and message of support. We fully acknowledge the need for ceasefire and humanitarian aid. The bombing of hospitals, health personnel, refugee camps and civilians in general is horrifying and completely unacceptable.

Forbundsleder Tove Holst Skyer til leder av det palestinske forbundet for ergoterapeuter

Raus, og gripende respons fra Palestina

Forbundsleder Tove Holst Skyer kunne i helga fortelle om et svar fra Anan Ghabash, leder i det palestinske forbundet for ergoterapeuter, PAOT. Vi gjengir den i sin helhet.

«I hope this message finds you well. I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude for your message and the resolution adopted by the National Convention of the Norwegian Association of Occupational Therapists. Your support and understanding of the situation in conflict zones are greatly appreciated.

We, at the Palestinian Occupational Therapy Association, are deeply touched by your condolences and your call for a ceasefire and humanitarian aid. The situation here is dire, and your solidarity means a lot to us.

We share your concern about the targeting of hospitals, healthcare workers, and innocent civilians, which is indeed a distressing reality that we are working tirelessly to address.

Your warm regards and your willingness to connect across borders are a source of hope during these challenging times. We look forward to continued collaboration and exchange of ideas in the field of occupational therapy.

Thank you once again for your support, and please convey our appreciation to the National Convention of the Norwegian Association of Occupational Therapists.»